2015 Toro 7200 Groundsmaster mower with 72" deck #399 New Air Filter,New engine Oil/ Filter, New Hydraulic Filter, 3 New Gator Blades, Hydraulic Deck Lift, 72" deck, Anti-Freeze - 5 Degrees, Greased, ONLY 615 HOURS, Priced shipped of NC with Shipping Bill of Laden. If picked up in NC add 7% Sales Tax OTHER UNITS AVAILABLE, ALL COMPlETELY SERVICED (1) 2015 Toro 7200 Groundsmaster with 72" Recycler Deck with 478 HOURS $11300 (1 ) 2015 TORO 7210 Groundsmaster with 72" Side Discharge deck, 855 HOURS, 36 HP TURBO, $13,300
1133 Peggy St.
Hickory, NC 28601